Backend translations

Online store backend is translated into the following languages: 

  1. English (default language, enabled by default) 
  2. Russian 
  3. French 
  4. German 
  5. Italian 
  6. Dutch
  7. Spanish
  8. Brazilian Portuguese
  9. Indonesian
  10. Czech (beta)
  11. Hungarian
  12. Turkish (beta)
  13. Bulgarian (beta)
  14. Norwegian (beta)
  15. Swedish (beta)
  16. Danish (beta)
  17. Polish (beta)
  18. Finnish (beta)
  19. Japanese (beta)
  20. Thai (beta)
  21. Croatian (beta)

When you create new account, the control panel will automatically choose the necessary language depending on your web browser settings.

In order to switch between the languages, you should open your control panel with a special URL. That’s simple: 
