Creating Product Options & Variables

Many of you may provide products that are available in other sizes, colours or material. In this short tutorial we will demonstrate how you can add these options to the products on your store.

Many of you may provide products that are available in other sizes, colours or material. In this short tutorial we will demonstrate how you can add these options to the products on your store.



1. Within your websites backend go to Catalog >> Products

Picture 1b

2. In the search bar, search the product you would like to update.

3. On the Product page, click ‘Options’ and then ‘+Add New Option

For this tutorial, we will be adding a ‘Size’ Variable.

4. Once you have added the Option name, select how you would like the options to appear on the product page. Here we have selected “Radio Buttons”

5. Next, we will setup each variable (option) for the product. See Picture Below

a. Click the ‘+ Add New Value’ button
b. In the field below, type the option (i.e Small, Medium, Large)
c. The Price Modifier helps calculate the price. If the price for this option is the same as the default price, leave at 0.00. If the price for example is 1 euro more expensive, add 1.00 as seen (Small 8oz / 227ml) in the picture above.

6. Now that these options have been added, we need to add the variation to the product.

Click Variations.

7. In the popup that appears you will see the options that we have just added.

In this popup, select the option you wish to add from the dropdown. 

Note: Here you can add a picture of the new variable, update the SKU and/or update the stock. 

8. Once you have added all the options, click Save.

9. Visit the product on your site, refresh and your options should now be appearing as below.