Currency Converter

If you sell worldwide, you probably want your customers to see the prices in your store in their native currency. We have Currency Converter for this.

It is an app that automatically converts your prices and shows them in the customer’s currency.

When you sell to many countries and show the prices in your local currency only, the shoppers may fail to understand what the real prices for the products are. And this can be bad for your sales.

The Currency Converter app converts the currency of your store to your client’s native currency, based on their geoposition. If needed, customers can select another currency right in your storefront and see the recalculated prices immediately.

The app only displays the prices in multiple currencies. On checkout your customers will pay in the main currency of your store. You can set it in your store Control Panel → Settings → General → Regional Settings.

Here are the main features of the Currency Converter:

  • has about 130 currencies that your customers can select from;
  • is fully automated. The app detects the customer’s country and automatically converts all the prices into their native currency;
  • is easy to use for your customers. The app provides a convenient way to switch the currencies in your storefront;
  • the rates are always up to date. The exchange rates are automatically updated, so they are always correct.
Currency Converter costs $4.49 per month and there is a free trial.