Flat rates

If you know an average cost to ship your goods, you can set up simple flat rate shipping. Flat rate shipping in your online store can be added as a whole amount or a percentage of the total price.


To add a new flat rate shipping option:

  1. Go to your store Control Panel → Shipping & Pickup.
  2. Click Add Shipping Method.
  3. Select how you ship your goods (by a shipping carrier or a local delivery service) and click Set up.
  4. Click Set up Flat rate.
  1. Enter the Shipping name of the method that is displayed for customers at checkout.
  1. Select the Amount or Percent rate.
  2. Enter the shipping cost as a flat amount or a flat percentage of the total price.
  1. Click Set delivery speed and enter the time it takes for orders to arrive when shipped with this method (optional).
  2. Click Set shipping region to specify the destinations to which you ship with this method.
  1. Click Save & Finish.

Now the configured flat rate will be available to the customers who want to ship their order within the set shipping region at checkout.
